How can AI aid rather than replace? (Part I)

Reading Time: 2 mins

So often do we hear ‘AI is going to take my job’, ‘AI will do this’, ‘AI will do that’ and infinitesimal scaremongering around ‘AI’ and crucially, how the storyline is that AI will replace rather than aid.

There is apparently very little rational thinking around the topic and the focus is often irrationally negative!

Yes, we should take great interest in researching AI and the ways in which it will pervade society, however, I think there should be more discussion on the ways in which it can help us and how it will create a plethora of new opportunities.

This is especially important regarding education and the ways in which AI can enhance learning at primary, secondary and tertiary level.

Personalised learning

One way in which it can help is the personalisation of learning.

Through algorithmic modelling and tracking, AI can rapidly assess strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles to tailor individualised learning paths.

This will allow teachers to easily facilitate each student’s learning suited to their specific needs and pace, promoting more effective learning outcomes.

This will help transform students’ learning and will help replace a ‘one size fits all’ approach to teaching, which has proven to be ineffective as everyone is individual and learns differently and at different paces.

Interactive learning assistants

Another method is through interactive learning assistants.

AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants can engage learners in interactive conversations, answering questions, providing feedback and offering additional explanations in a conversational manner.

This level of personalised support could help enhance student engagement and comprehension.

A rather rudimentary free-to-use example at the moment is ChatGPT 3.5…

Smart content creation

A final method is smart content creation.

AI algorithms can assist educators in generating customized learning materials, such as lecture slides, study guides, and multimedia presentations.

By analysing course objectives and student demographics, AI can generate content tailored to the specific needs of each class.

N.B. While these are ways in which AI can help students’ learning, it is crucial to note that these must be controlled by skilled individuals, not only those training the systems but also those analysing them – ie, educators. It would also need to be ensured they are used in the right manner and combined with quality teaching – it is not a replacement for this!


Further Reading: AI in Schools: How Technology Enhances Education (Greenhouse Learning)